Welcome to Bennington Township

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Bennington Township

Located in the northwest corner of Licking County, Ohio.  The township has a rural charm with varied landscapes on 24.108 miles of township roads. The 2020 census showed a population of just under 1,700 people.

Bennington Township is governed by three elected Trustees. The elected Fiscal Officer is responsible for Township accounting transactions and financials. Two of the elected officials are elected every other year by you, the citizens of Bennington Township.

The Board of Trustees hires a Zoning Inspector, Road Maintenance and Cemetery staff.  The Board also appoints five Zoning Commission and five Board of Zoning Appeals members.

Trustee Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month, 6:00 P.M. at the Bennington Township Complex 13385 Drury Rd. Centerburg, Ohio 43011. Meetings are open and the public is encouraged to attend.

Community Services:  safety, security and quality of life. Bennington Township contracts with the Homer Fire District for Fire and emergency medical services (EMS) and Waste Management for recycling and trash removal.  The Licking County Sheriff’s Office performs duties for public safety while Northridge Local Schools provide a majority of public education to the township. There are two cemeteries Bennington and Lock to honor the area.